AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions vs Google Functions

April 01, 2022

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions vs Google Functions

In today's fast-paced development world, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI CD) have become critical processes for a successful app deployment. Serverless technologies are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional server infrastructures, reducing operational expenses and increasing scalability.

AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Functions are leading serverless platforms providing endless possibilities for developers. However, choosing the right one for your project can be a challenging task.

In this blog, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison of these platforms based on metrics such as performance, scalability, and pricing.


The performance of serverless architectures is often influenced by various factors, such as cold start time, memory allocation, and execution time. We took the following measurements as reported in each platform's documentation.

  • AWS Lambda: The average cold start time is around 1-2 seconds, with a maximum limit of 15 minutes per execution. AWS Lambda allows you to choose your preferred memory allocation, which affects the CPU power, network bandwidth, and I/O performance.

  • Azure Functions: The average cold start time is 5-10 seconds, with a maximum time of 10 minutes per execution. Azure Functions allow up to 4GB of memory allocation, which can significantly improve performance.

  • Google Functions: The average cold start time is approximately 2-3 seconds, with a maximum time limit of 9 minutes per execution. Google Functions also provide flexible memory allocation with options ranging from 128MB to 8GB.

In terms of performance, all three platforms offer comparable performance rates, with AWS Lambda and Google Functions having a slight edge over Azure Functions in terms of cold start times.


Scalability is a key factor in serverless architectures since it allows applications to handle varying levels of incoming traffic without downtime.

  • AWS Lambda: With AWS Lambda, you can easily scale your functions horizontally and vertically based on the incoming requests. AWS Lambda scales automatically to the required capacity, allowing thousands of function invocations per second.

  • Azure Functions: Azure Functions support manual and automatic scaling, with the ability to scale out to hundreds or thousands of concurrent executions. Azure Functions also provide seamless integration with other Azure services, such as Application Insights, allowing for better monitoring and debugging capabilities.

  • Google Functions: Google Functions also provide automatic scaling, with a maximum limit of 1000 concurrent executions per project. Google Functions allows developers to create custom triggers using Cloud Pub/Sub, providing greater flexibility in handling incoming requests.

All three platforms offer scalable solutions that allow developers to handle varying levels of traffic, with AWS Lambda having a slight edge due to its ability to handle higher levels of concurrency.


Pricing is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a serverless platform. All three platforms use different pricing models based on factors such as number of requests, memory allocation, and execution times.

  • AWS Lambda: AWS Lambda pricing is based on the number of requests, with the first one million requests being free every month. After that, the cost per million requests is $0.20, with additional fees for memory allocation and execution time.

  • Azure Functions: Azure Functions pricing is based on the number of executions, with the first one million executions being free every month. After that, each million executions cost $0.20, with additional fees for memory allocation and execution time.

  • Google Functions: Google Functions pricing is based on the number of requests, with the first two million requests being free every month. After that, each million requests cost $0.40, with additional fees for memory allocation and execution time.

Based on the pricing models, AWS Lambda and Azure Functions offer more affordable solutions for low to medium usage scenarios, while Google Functions become cost-effective for high-traffic applications.


All three platforms offer reliable solutions with similar performance rates, scalability options, and pricing models. AWS Lambda and Google Functions excel in performance metrics, while Azure Functions shines in scalability and monitoring capabilities. Pricing varies based on the platform, usage, and traffic level, making it a key factor to consider for cost-effective solutions.

Ultimately, choosing the right platform depends on your specific requirements, experience level, and established infrastructure. We hope this comparison helps you make a more informed decision for your project.


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